Tips & Tricks

8 Great Home Renovation Preparation Tips to Share with Your Friends

home renovation

Once you have decided to move forward with a home renovation and the contract is signed and construction is scheduled, it is easy to get anxious about the idea of new design features and transformations but remember there is more work to do to make sure your home is ready for when the crew arrives.

Here are some steps to make sure your home will be ready for the construction part of your home renovation.

Home Renovation Checklist

Take Pictures

Since you are about to transform your home, either a minor or major home renovation, it is a good time to take some pictures before your home goes through a makeover. This is a great way to compare before and after pictures of the renovation.


If you will be doing a major home renovation, you will need to decide where to put items for storage. Some people use other areas of their houses such as garages or basements. But there may be a chance that you will have to move some items to a storage unit that can’t fit in your house.

Make sure you have time to go through any items you want in storage and declutter as you go. Be sure to get rid of unnecessary furniture pieces and other belongings that you have not used for a while and donate them or hold a garage sale.

Discuss with Contractor

If you are having multiple rooms renovated, ask your contractor what the plan is on the order of the rooms for renovations. Also, discuss with them about their cleanup schedule, are they sweeping up every night? This way you will both be on the same page as to what and who is cleaning.

Create a Path

Keep the path to the work area clear of personal items to ensure no damage to them and safety for the crews.

Advise Neighbours

Home construction can be a loud process and may be disruptive to your neighbours. Give your neighbours a heads up when your construction will begin and advise them that there will be noise, traffic and crews working in your home. Offer to keep them up to date on the timeline of the work. Try and work out details with your contractor to ensure they are respectful of certain business hours in your community.

Insurance Company

Advise your home insurance company before you start construction and advise them your home will be going through a renovation.

Why contact your insurance company? Your house’s replacement value can change, and reduction of premiums on older homes, and change of occupancy status if you are going to be living out of your house for an extended amount of time during the renovation, are just a few of the reasons to contact your insurance company.

Contractor Schedule

Keeping all the lines of communication open with your contract is an important part of the renovation. Remember to respond quickly to any phone calls or emails from your contractor on items that need your attention. This will ensure your renovation runs smoothly and keeps you on budget.

Be Ready Mentally

Lastly, take some time to prepare mentally for your house renovation. Renovations can be stressful, disrupting and time-consuming. Even having strangers working in your home can become draining and living in a consistent state of chaos can be hard on you. Be prepared to let some of these things go and take deep breaths keeping in mind of the exciting end result.


To sum it up, the best way to prepare for a home renovation is to start early and create a plan and work through the steps above. Good luck with your home project!

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